We got a dusting of snow last night. First time in a couple of weeks that there has been snow on the ground… Kind of nice to hear that little crunch under my boots again.
Hey, love the blog! My Wife and I just moved into a cabin in WoodGate NY, right on the southern edge of the Adirondacks. I am working on a small farm there for room and board and looking for material for nature writing. I’ll be following you blog.
Nice blog. My wife and I just moved into a cabin in Woodgate, just south of the Adirondacks. I am working on a small farm there. I’ll be working 4 hours a day and spending the rest of my time hiking and exploring the wild and looking for material to write about.
Hey, love the blog! My Wife and I just moved into a cabin in WoodGate NY, right on the southern edge of the Adirondacks. I am working on a small farm there for room and board and looking for material for nature writing. I’ll be following you blog.
Nice blog. My wife and I just moved into a cabin in Woodgate, just south of the Adirondacks. I am working on a small farm there. I’ll be working 4 hours a day and spending the rest of my time hiking and exploring the wild and looking for material to write about.
That’s awesome man, welcome to the Adirondacks!